Obviously through the creation of home music producing and editing software, many questions are raised over the security of artists' and record labels' rights.
In the USA, a legislation was formed to counteract this problem, chapter 10 of the United States' Copyright Law, which states:
-the first government technology mandate in the copyright law, requiring all digital audio recording devices sold, manufactured or imported in the US (excluding professional audio equipment) to include the Serial Copy Management System (SCMS).
-the first anti-circumvention provisions in copyright law, later applied on a much broader scale by the Digital Millennium Copyright Act.
-the first government-imposed royalties on devices and media, a portion of which is paid to the record industry directly.
The fact is, with the technology now available to us as an audience, we have the ability to take pre-existing records, deconstruct them and then publish them as our own, without going through the usual routes for covering songs. Obviously, this is a huge concern for the music industry and poses as yet another threat to the list provoked by the wave of new technology entering our media ecosystem.