Tuesday 1 April 2008

Key Terms and the Music Industry

New technology arising from different brands that all stem from the same idea, i.e. the iPod (Apple Inc.), the iRiver (ReignCom) etc, all MP3 players produced by different companies that do the same thing.

The MP3 experience, e.g. iPods and iTunes, allows consumers to personalise what they listen to. They now have the ability to access songs without having to buy an entire album, and can share tracks with one another accross the internet.
Not only can audiences now consume what they wish, but also produce their own songs. Anyone can be an artist, with technology such a Cubasis, and blogs such as Myspace, on which it is possible to have a Myspace Music account. The idea is that the consumers can now produce and share their own work, or simply give their opinions on other works. If Lily Allen can do it, why can't you?
Digital files consist of 1s and 0s, meaning they can be moved, shared and read by different hardware more easily. This makes the sharing of music easier, and transference from computer to MP3 to CD player.